Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs

There are a great many of holistic vets who recommend the use of raw unfiltered, unprocessed, non-pasteurized, raw, organic ACV for dogs.  ACV may be used for dogs as a holistic therapy to address many health issues.  It contains many vitamins, minerals, and an abundance of enzymes making it an excellent product to use for dogs for a multitude of purposes.  When properly diluted and measured, it can be given internally or topically depending upon the health concerns being addressed.  When I discuss apple cider vinegar in this article, I will refer to it as “ACV.”  I am specifically discussing raw, unfiltered, organic ACV only.  I do not recommend non-organic processed ACV.  The goal is to keep dogs as healthy as possible without processed garbage which have toxic properties.

So what are the benefits of ACV?

• Improves digestion

• Reduces episodes of diarrhea and helps with constipation

• Clears urinary tract infections and prevents the formation of kidney and bladder stones

• Improves the condition of hair

• Alleviates itchy and dry skin

• Heals burns, wounds, and hot spots, and rashes

• Clears the skin of bacterial and fungal infections

•  Relieves and prevents arthritis as it breaks down calcium deposits and adds potassium

• Relieves muscle inflammation and  fatigue

• Reduces skin flaking and dander

• Repels fleas and ticks when applied topically

• Makes dogs less likely to eat their own poop

• Acts as a natural antibiotic by preventing the growth of infectious bacteria and viruses

• Reduces tear stains

• Improves ability to adapt to cold temperatures

• Reduces elbow calluses

• Balances the pH levels of the dog’s body

• Clears and prevents ear infections when applied topically


Dr. Marty Goldstein also recommends adding ACV to your dog’s purified drinking water. 

1/2 tsp.  up to 14 lbs

1  tsp. 15 – 34 lbs

1 1/2 tsp. 35 – 85 lbs

When ACV is given orally, it is best to do so when a dog has some food in his tummy.  I give my 10 lb dogs 1/8 tsp in their food and 1/4 tsp in their water.  I just began it use it so I am starting with weaker concentrations.

Ringworm is a pretty stubborn parasite.  Apply a 50/50 solution to the affected area using a cotton ball several times a day.

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Dr. Marty Goldstein suggests an ear cleanser for dogs to get rid of excessive debris and wax.  ACV also kills yeast and fungus and may be used as an ear wash to combat such ear infections.  The solution consists of one teaspoon of ACV to a half cup of distilled water.  Put a dropper-full of the solution into the affected ear.  After applying the solution inside the ear, massage the outside of the ear so that the solution swishes around inside.  After around for around 4 or 5 seconds allow your dog to shake his head.  In my experience, I have seen chunks of debris come out using this method.  Just wipe away the debris off the inside of the ear gently with a cotton ball.  Don’t go deeper inside the ears than your eyes can see.  You can do this for a few days and see how things go.  It is best to ask a holistic vet for further advice if this method doesn’t help.  

Dr. Marty Goldstein recommends a solution of 1/4 cup of ACV and a quart water.  Just shampoo thoroughly with doggie shampoo, rinse thoroughly, then pour the ACV solution onto the dog from the back of the neck to the tail.  Avoid the top of the head and face.  Massage it into the skin then towel dry.  Do not rinse out the solution.

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For dry, flaky or itchy skin, you may use a solution of 3 parts distilled water and 1 part ACV.  Apply solution to affected area using a spray bottle or a cotton ball.  I like to start conservatively and then work my way up if necessary.

A 50/50 solution may be applied to a dog’s coat as a tick and flea repellent.  Just spray generously, distribute throughout the coat and allow to air dry. 

NEVER apply ACV to open wounds or areas that are oozing as it might burn and cause further irritation.

NEVER allow the ACV solutions to get near the eyes or nose unless instructed by a holistic vet.  I personally created an eye wash that I have used on myself and my dogs.  I combine 1/4 teaspoon of the organic apple cider vinegar with 4 ounces of distilled water.  I store it in a glass container and I use a dropper that has a glass tube.  I store it in the fridge and I apply it twice a day.  Ever since, they accumulate little to no crust in the corners of their eyes and their eyes have brightened up a bit.  This eye wash prevents glaucoma too.  Again, this is what I PERSONALLY do.  I am not saying that you should do this, but if your dog has eye issues, it would be a good idea to make a suggestion to your vet.  A holistic vet would be likely to be familiar with this treatment.

You know how some dogs eat their own poop?  If Rover’s food is well-digested, the stuff coming out of his body will not be tempting to eat because it will have all been processed.  In other words, the yummy factor will be already absorbed into the body and not be in the waiting in the poop for Rover to eat. 

The enzymes improve digestion and promote the growth of the good bacteria and prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the digestive system.  The enzymes are effective for in breaking down protein.  It makes the process of digestion more efficient.  This keeps the body healthy and promotes healing and improved physical condition.  

Like us, not everything agrees with us.  If your dog throws up, has diarrhea, scratches excessively or behaves in unusually, it is likely that he has a sensitivity or an allergy of some sort to ACV.  Dogs with an allergy to yeast, an irritated stomach or an irritated stomach lining should not use ACV as it might aggravate their systems.  One of my dogs got a mark on her tummy which looked similar to an age spot that elderly people get sometimes on their hands.  I was able to water down a little bit of ACV and rub it off.  I applied a little bit of olive oil and it was fine.  I also noticed that her breath smelled like sulfur.  When I added digestive enzymes to her food it the breath issue and the age spot thing disappeared completely.   

The dosing that is suggested in the video differs from those I have specified in this article, but what I like about the video is that it really gives you the gist of how wonderful ACV is for dogs.  The woman who created the video knows her dogs inside and out.  Her dogs have done fabulously with what she has given to them.  I would recommend using the concentrations which I described because they are likely to be a bit gentler.

I am NOT a vet so keep that in mind.  I provide my opinions which are based upon excellent sources.  Holistic vets are aware of the use of ACV.  Conventional vets are not familiar and usually medicate when an issue develops.  If health problems can be prevented or treated holistically, it makes more sense to try less invasive treatment first or to combine them with conventional medicine if absolutely necessary.



Goldstein, Martin. “An Alphabet of Ailments.” The nature of animal healing the definitive holistic medicine guide to caring for your dog and cat. New York: Ballantine Books, 1999. 186, 201.

Goldstein, Martin, Goldstein Susan. “Diet.” The Goldsteins’ Wellness & Longevity Program. New York: TFH Publications, 2005. 14. is an educational resource, and all information herein is strictly for educational purposes. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure disease, nor is it meant to replace the (prescribed) veterinary treatment. Always inform your veterinarian or healthcare provider of any products that your pet is taking, including herbal remedies and supplements. Please do plenty of research so that you may equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to be an effective advocate for your dog’s well-being.

29 thoughts on “Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs”

  1. I am quite interested in more information on the ACV. I have purchased a bottle of Heinz Pure Apple Cider Vinegar from our grocery store. Can I use this for my dogs?

    1. Hi Diane-

      Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I looked up Heinz Pure Apple Cider Vinegar just to be sure that I give you a clear answer. It is not organic. I prefer the organic because it hasn’t been tampered with in the growing process (GMOs…). The Braggs brand is somewhat cloudy in the bottle and sometimes has a residue at the bottom of the bottle if when it is settled for a while. I don’t know about the Heintz, but according to the text I have read, it is raw and unrefined. That is what you’re aiming for, but when I can go organic, I try to do so. I even use it for myself. I also give my dogs raw unfiltered organic coconut oil. I also use the coconut oil all the time for myself. I wrote an article about the coconut oil.

      Again, thank you for reading and commenting. Please feel free to send more dog people friends over to visit as well.

      1. Janie,
        I have a 2 year old Maltese & it sounds like ACV is the answer to many of her little problems. She has tear stains, she ate her poop- I think we have that under control, and I want a natural flea and tick deterrent. How often should I give ACV to her? Twice a day? Also, do I give it to her in her food and water or just one or the other?

        1. Hi Lauren-

          Thank you so much for visiting my website and for your interest. I have given my dogs a half teaspoon 2x per day. They are each 10 pounds. Like I mentioned in the article, one of my dogs had a bad reaction so I simply stopped it. Eating poop sometimes happens when a dog is eating food that is not biologically appropriate. You see, the food goes in, the dog’s body tries to absorb as much as possible, but with all the additives and bad stuff, it leaves the body with all that “garbage.” The poop is appealing because it has all the “yummy” stuff that was in the food that couldn’t be absorbed. The food is the first thing to address. The food strengthens the dog’s immunity and builds a healthy body. A diet that is specifically designed for the species will take care of (and help to avoid) many health issues.

          As far as flea and tick prevention, please read my article . I have some great ideas. The internal powder I discuss takes time to build up in the system to become effective.

          I have plenty of articles about food and why a raw diet is so critical. Please check them out.

          Thanks again

    2. Yes you can: I went to Heinz web page: Heinz Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar is raw, organic and unpasteurized. It is made from crystal clear water and all-natural apples to provide a healthy alternative to other brands

      1. Hi Teresa-
        Thanks for your reply and for going the extra step. Braggs is organic so it is not made with apples exposed to GMOs or pesticides. I noticed that Heinz is not certified organic though. It is a lot cheaper for companies to go organic. I just trust Braggs. As Levi Strauss was the big guy to create the classic Levi jeans, I feel that Braggs created the no-nonsense classic apple cider vinegar. I prefer many products that come from smaller companies as opposed to large conglomerates because smaller companies usually don’t cut so many corners. I noticed that when I go to the market to purchase Braggs, on occasion I notice that some of the bottles appear cloudier than others and they are all perfect for use. Heinz always appears the same. This gives me the impression that Braggs is probably less “fussed” in production. Many large companies focus on making their products look prettier. Braggs is not so pretty looking lol.

    3. Thanks for sharing. Yes,apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps to boost metabolism, blocks the body’s storage of dietary fat plus breaks down and dissolves existing body fat. It does a whole lot more too!

      1. Hi Darrel-

        Thank you for visiting my website and for your comment and for the link you shared. Organic raw apple cider vinegar is one of those do-it-all products.
        Please spread the word about my website!

        All the best,

  2. Dr. Goldstein,
    Thanks for being so concise and to the point concerning ACV.. I have even using ACV for my two M Schauzers. After being on numerous sites I remained unsure of amounts of ACV to water for the various uses.
    Ron M

    1. Hi Ron-

      I get a lot of information from the best of the best. Dr. Marty Goldstein has a book –
      The Nature of Animal Healing : The Definitive Holistic Medicine Guide to Caring for Your Dog and Cat. He also is a contributer to many other books. He is truly amazing.

      Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you continue to enjoy my articles.

  3. Hi Janie.
    I have been using ACV for my Jack Russell for 3 months. I give him 1 teaspoon with his second meal of the day. He eats 6 times a day home cooked meal because of his medical condition. I gave my mother the same advice for his her elderly “boerbull”. She developed a fever over the weekend and the vet said ACV is not good for dogs but and that is what was likely causing the fever but all articles I have read point to it being good for dogs. I give it to my dog because of the fact that he eats so much bird poop. I give him Discem’s Natural ACV. I’m kind of scared to cont. I know my mother gave a grocery bought ACV for her dogs. So could it have been caused because it not a natural product. I know the vets in south Africa are very set in their ways so that’s probably why they say it could burn their stomachs. I use ACV on a empty stomach and its always helped my ails. Never burning but do u think it could burn a dogs stomach? Even if given with food?

    1. Hi Jenny-

      Thank you so much for visiting my website!

      ACV is best to be administered in very small amounts into the food or the water. The amount to give depends upon the weight of the dog. Some dogs with certain health issues (like pancreatitis) do better on lightly cooked diets. Giving it straight and undiluted on an empty stomach is not a good idea. It would be way too harsh. It would be very likely to be irritating to the stomach lining.

      When you buy the ACV, it is VERY important that you use apple cider vinegar that is UNFILTERED, RAW, and ORGANIC.

      If his health issue has to do with his tummy, ACV would NOT be a good idea. ACV is not for everybody. After giving one of my dogs ACV in her food, her breath breath began to smell like sulfur. She also got strange brown “stains” on her belly that I removed with a bit of ACV and water with a cotton ball. My other dog was fine.

      I am not clear about what what you were talking about when you mentioned the bird poop. Please let me know what you were referring to.

      Thanks again for writing.

  4. In a nutshell, my dog now has a yeast infection following too many antibiotics for an allergy outbreak this summer. (Our area is just coming out of a very long, hot, dry drought and the allergens were off the charts.) I’m going to pick up some organic ACV tonight to give him orally (I hope he likes it) and to spray on his skin/coat. How often can I use the 50/50 ACV/Water spray for his skin/coat? Also, I’m starting him on probiotics. Is it okay to give him the kind made for humans or is there a better one for dogs? I’ve also started him on Nupro which contains a few probiotics.

    1. Hi Lori-

      Thank you for visiting my website.

      For applying to the ears, I would add a mixture of one teaspoon of ACV to a half cup of distilled water. I am not sure why you want to spray it onto his coat. As far as probiotics go, I have been using the one from the my article The BEST for Natural Holistic Health. It contains digestive enzymes as well. Such issues are practically unheard of when dogs are fed natural species appropriate diets. Stay clear from carbs (potatoes, grains…) and avoid corn in all forms at all costs. Food is the biggest culprit for chronic ear infections and many other chronic health issues. I have a ton of articles about food. Yes… I pay a lot for the food, but my dogs have absolutely no chronic issues. The nails are healthy, skin is healthy, no weird growths, not eye boogies, their poop doesn’t smell, and they will never need dental cleanings. That’s all because of their diets.

      Before I learned about ingredients I used Nupro. My issue is that they do not disclose enough information about what is in their products.
      For example: What ingredients are actually printed on the label?
      What are the COMPLETE ingredients?
      Also, which bacteria are in the formula?
      Which amino acids?

      I vary my supplement. I give my dogs NuVet – the multivitamin and alternate it with The Pet Health and Nutrition Center’s Daily Multi Complete.

      All the best!


      1. I’ve read on dozens of web sites that organic ACV topical application to the coat is great for skin/coat issues. 1 part water to 1 part ACV is the ratio given. I’m currently feeding him a grain feed premium brand food (Wellness Core), but it does have potatoes in it. They have another food that has no potatoes/grains in it – I’m going to pick some of that up. It gets great reviews from other pet parents in the same situation.

        1. Hi Lori-

          I have heard about spraying it onto the coat to repel ticks and fleas. Another application is to sponged the 50/50 solution onto the coat after bathing as a rinse to remove any residue that soap . The acidity and live enzymes help kill bacteria that cause some skin conditions. It cools burns and hot spots. You can allow the mixture to soak into leaves behind. Allow it to soak into the hair and skin and then allow it to air dry. It will also help to repel ticks and fleas.

          As far as food goes, I only can recommend a raw diet because that is the only way to feed a species appropriate diet.

          Thanks again for visiting!

        2. Hi Lori-

          I just realized that I did not give you a direct answer to your question about the ACV spray for the coat. My answer is that it can’t hurt. Sometimes I get carried away and my answers go in many directions because I want to cover everything. Often a simple question about health has many different components. I apologize.

          Have a wonderful day!

  5. hello, I was interested in learning more about the vinegar. I have a lab with constant yeast infections. she itches everywhere. 🙁 how should I use the vinegar to help her? we have it in the water. how do we go about mixing it to spray on her? she’s 50lbs. I really appreciate your help in advance!

    1. Hi Ashley-

      Thank you so much for visiting my website and for taking an interest. You can use the apple cider vinegar as a spray by combining 3 parts distilled water and 1 part ACV. I highly recommend evaluating her diet. Usually, diet is the cause of these issues. I always recommend a raw diet as dogs on raw rarely have these issues. Is there corn in the food she’s eating? You can add the ACV to her diet and also add probiotics which will increase the good bacteria which is friendly and helps with yeast issues. I use a product that contains digestive enzymes and probiotics. See my article The Best of Natural Holistic Health to read about the supplement. I hope that these suggestions will be helpful.

      Please let me know if there is corn in her food.

      Thanks again,

  6. Brittany Hernandez

    Hello, I have been reading up on a few things to help dogs with itching, dry skin, allergies, hot spots, yeast, etc., and the most suggested things I see are ACV and coconut oil, as well as plain yogurt. Both of my dogs are having issues, both slightly different but similar. I was wondering if you knew if it was ok for me to start giving my dogs all 3 of those things? Obviously starting low with the coconut oil. I have already started giving them both 1 tbsp of ACV in their food once a day (they are both about 65lbs).

    My other question is how to tell if the ACV actually harms them more than helps them? Your site is the only one I’ve seen that mentions adverse reactions to it…my Malamute recently got his first little hot spot or inflamed red area on his paw, and he’s been shedding a bit. He could also have seasonal allergies since it is spring. His paw still hasn’t cleared up, and just recently he started becoming itchy all over as well. His back, ears, etc. I’m not sure if his problems are just getting worse or if the ACV is to blame since I started giving that recently too….I also just applied topical flea medicine, which he has never had a bad reaction to before. The other dog isn’t having any worse problems than usual, but he has yeast I believe, I’ve heard all three things I mentioned can help with that as well….Sorry this is so long, I am very broke recently and am trying to find ways to help them at home without having to take them to the vet, especially if they’ll be long term solutions as well. There are so many websites with so many suggestions, but no mentions of if you can combine all the suggestions or if any bad reactions could occur. Any advice is welcome, thanks!!

    1. Hi Brittany-

      Thank you so much for visiting my website and for taking such an interest. Please feel free to spread the word.

      Sometimes problems get worse before getting better. My dog Bevi (Beverly) had a weird reaction. The apple cider vinegar is not harmful, so I figured that I might want to keep it up a little bit longer before tossing out the idea. It is possible that the weird marks on her belly (they looked like a discoloration like birthmarks) were just a sign that her body was detoxing. Her breath got worse and worse (and so did the “stains”) so after feeding it to her for 3 weeks I decided to toss that idea out. If you are not comfortable with it and you gave it a chance, it’s not a big deal to just toss the idea.

      I highly recommend adding probiotics. I have a page that shows a great product that I use. I included it in my article – The Best of Natural Holistic Health

      Coconut oil is great and so is fish oil. I wrote an article and discussed it – Omegas For Dogs.

      You might also like my article about coconut oil – Coconut Oil – A Natural Miracle.

      Most important is the food. If finances are an issue, then the raw diets that I recommend might not be feasible. The first thing I would like you to do is to check the food you have and see if there is any corn in it. Corn is the number one ingredient that causes mischief. Cutting corn out could do wonders. Also, a dog with such issues should not get any vaccines (except for legally required rabies). Please read Are Vaccines Really Safe? because dogs with such health issues should not be challenging their immune systems as vaccines do.

      Please keep in touch and let me know about the food. Does it have corn? I hope it does because that makes things much easier. Just cutting out corn products is simple.

      All the best,

      1. Brittany Hernandez

        Thank you for replying! Unfortunately right now, we looked into raw diets or even canned, but because we have two dogs the jump in cost is just too much for right now. But we did buy more food today, and we got Canidae Grain Free Pure Sea Adult Dog Formula. All dry dog food has it’s downsides, but for what we could afford, it seems pretty good.

        No corn in the ingredients, and we are trying to avoid grains as well. Our chocolate lab is the one with the yeast problems, which I am assuming could be due to food allergies to begin with. Hopefully the grain free helps with that aspect of it, and this food says that it also has probiotics included in it as well. Do you think I should also be adding yogurt to his diet right now too? I have no idea how much probiotics are included in the dry feed, and some sites recommend introducing it slowly as well.

        My boyfriend is not 100% convinced about the ACV and coconut oil. He thinks that we should just feed ACV to the lab for right now and see how it goes, and possibly give both of them yogurt as well. He is also worried about introducing too many new things at once in case they do have bad reactions to any of it, we won’t know which one it was.

        And they have not gotten any vaccines at all since they were puppies, except for the rabies. I am hoping the switch in food helps, and that the ACV helps with the yeast infection. If the malamute keeps itching even with the better food and reduced time outside, I will start adding coconut oil to his diet since I’ve heard it is good for their coats and skin, which in turn can reduce the itchiness they get from allergies. I will just have to convince the boyfriend they will be alright! lol

        Thanks for responding, I am learning a lot about all these new methods and they were all a bit overwhelming! Your advice was very helpful, thanks for reading 🙂

        1. Hi Brittany-

          It is my pleasure. I hope that changing the food is helpful. If the food has probiotics, then they are not likely to be effective because probiotics are living organisms so it is probably a marketing ploy. I would add probiotics like the one I use and have on my website. Also, rather than yogurt, I would get kefir which is MUCH stronger than yogurt as far as probiotics go. There is a way to make it yourself, but I don’t have a clue. It is very economical to make it yourself because it keeps reproducing.

          Best of luck and stay in touch.

  7. I have a diehard poop eater, who actively holds the poop until she is inside and out of my site to poop so she can snack on it (I only leash walk her). I started mixing 1/4 cup of white vinegar to one gallon of water, and after everything I tried that failed, she sneak pooped twice since, took one bite and left the rest. Next walk around poopy time, she deposited it on the grass and walked away, with nary a sniff. I could smell the vague scent of vinegar instead of the poop smell. Obviously, it works because poop and vinegar taste terrible together. I am grateful to have finally curbed her stubborn snack behavior.

    1. Hi Tali-

      Thank you so much for visiting my website and for sharing your story.

      Now if you wanna be technical about it, eating poop is called coprophagia. Personally, I prefer to call it “eating poop” or “eating doodie” lol. Some dogs do it because synthetic commercial diets have a lot of flavorings and junk in them. Their bodies don’t process much of it so it comes out just as tasty as it did when it when in. That is why I strongly encourage a species appropriate diet (raw). I have many articles about that subject. It can also be a neurotic behavior. Here is an article and a video by a well-respected vet named Dr. Karen Becker. She is well-versed in nutrition: Why do Dogs Eat Poop? Coprophagia Can Be a Behavioral Problem

      All the best!


  8. Thanks for all the information. My vet said my chihuahua needed a half wet/half dry diet. The wet part can be found as a dog food stew but it is pricey. Now I dehydrate frozen mixed vegetables and rehydrate a portion 2 x a day with the addition of dry food. Stomach issues are better. A week ago I added a bit of Bragg’s ACV to the 2 meals and I thought there was a reduction in quantity of poop. My first thought being maybe that was harmful but she was her normal self and continued with the ACV. Your info about the bacteria seems to back up the idea of less poop and I wasn’t imaging it. She’s 12 yrs and doesn’t act any older than the 5 yr old I adopted. Thanks again

    1. Hi Kathy-

      Thank you so much for checking out my article and for writing. I am happy to hear that your little baby is feeling better. Commercial dog food is not a good idea for any dog. Conventional vets don’t get any education about nutrition. Manufacturers like Purina and Hills support vet programs so schools reciprocate by limiting information. Dry dog food tends to be worse than wet. A biologically appropriate (raw diet) can be very expensive. A good idea would be to add digestive enzymes and probiotics to your dog’s food. I have articles about supplements. You can find information about supplements: The BEST of Natural Holistic Health. Probiotics and digestive enzymes are critical for maintaining a healthy digestive system.

      Another idea is to add a NATURAL multivitamin. By “natural” I mean referring to non-chemical nutrients (from herbs and whole food). The link to the article above has a great multivitamin.
      If you have your dog on a commercial diet, giving high quality supplemental nutrients would be extremely helpful to keep your doggie healthy.

      Best of luck to you and thank you again for visiting my website.

  9. I have a 55 pound border collie mix and I’m almost positive that he has ear mites.He scratches his ears,walks with his head tilted and when I rub inside his ear,my hand has an awful odor.He absolutely will bite me if if I try drops in the ear or anything remotely close and absolutely will not allow a muzzle.So I was wondering if you thought acv in water or food would help?And if so how much?

    1. Hi Teresa-

      Thank you so much for visiting my website and for writing. I am not a vet so I cannot diagnose or treat. If that were my dog, I might wonder if it were a yeast infection. I would go to the vet to have it checked out. Diet affects every aspect of health in dogs (and all living things for that matter). When the diet is species appropriate, it is less likely that a dog will have chronic issues. I have seen how diet can do wonders in clearing up health issues (i.e., skin, anal glands, ears, irritated paws…).

      I don’t know if the vinegar would burn it. It would not be a good idea to experiment. If I were you I would have it checked out by a vet. Ear problems that are put aside can have irreversible effects. Please keep me posted.

      All the best

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